
Enduring Image has grown from a childhood fascination with photography starting about fifty years ago. Over the years many hours in the darkroom eventually gave way to digital capture and editing.

I am motivated to create images that impart an emotional response from viewers. My goal is to create beautiful images that also stimulate thought and discussion of our environment and the human condition.

Dan Hemmelgarn

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Monday, June 7, 2010


Dan & Theresa Podoll's farm in North Dakota

Red Tulips in bed. Millennium Park, Chicago, IL.

Grant Park, Chicago

Grant Park, Chicago

Memorial High School, St Marys, OH
Demolished, 2010

Native size of panoramic image is ~14"x50"

Pentagon City Station

Racetrack Playa, Death Valley

Racetrack Playa, Death Valley

Racetrack Playa, Death Valley

Jefferson Memorial during Cherry Blossom Festival, 
Washington DC, 2009

Monument Valley, AZ

Delicate Arch, Arches N.P., Utah

Devil's Tower National Monument

American black vulture

Double crested cormorant

Snowy egret

Little blue heron


Liz Sarno with her goats.

Julie Rice has a hand in the food supply. Grinding organic corn to feed organic chickens.

Eye to eye with an organic Rhode Island Red Rooster.